← | Thou art gone up |
Messiah Part.2 The Lord gave the word |
How beautiful | → |
World English | King James | Japanese/口語訳 |
The Lord gave the Word, great was the Company of the Preachers. |
Ps68:11 The Lord announced the word. The ones who proclaim it are a great company. |
11 The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it. | 11 主は命令を下される。おとずれを携えた女たちの大いなる群れは言う、 |
Crampon | World English | Luther |
12 Le Seigneur a fait entendre sa parole ; les femmes qui annoncent la victoire sont une troupe nombreuse. | 11 The Lord announced the word. The ones who proclaim it are a great company. | 12 Der Herr gab das Wort mit großen Scharen Evangelisten : |
← | Thou art gone up |
Messiah Part.2 The Lord gave the word |
How beautiful | → |