Sc1 | Messiah's Passion(受難) |
Sc2 | Messiah's Death and Resurrection(復活) |
Sc3 | Messiah's Ascension(昇天) |
Sc4 | Messiah's reception in Heaven(応接) |
Sc5 | The beginnings of Gospel preaching(布告) |
Sc6 | The world's rejection of the Gospel(拒絶) |
Sc7 | God's ultimate victory(究極の勝利) |
Scene1:Passion |
22 |
Behold the Lamb of God 見よ、世の罪を取り除く神の子羊 |
John1:29 ヨハネ伝 |
23 |
He was despised and rejected of men 彼は侮られて |
Isaiah53:3, 50:6 イザヤ書 |
24 |
Surely he hath borne our griefs and carried our sorrows まことに彼はわれわれの病を負い |
Isaiah53:4-5 イザヤ書 |
25 |
And with his stripes we are healed 彼の打たれた傷によって |
Isaiah53:5 イザヤ書 |
26 |
All we like sheep have gone astray われわれはみな羊のように迷って |
Isaiah53:6 イザヤ書 |
27 |
All they that see him laugh him to scorn すべて彼を見る者は |
Psalms22:7 詩篇 |
28 |
He trusted in God that he would deliver him 彼は主にみをゆだねた |
Psalms22:8 詩篇 |
29 |
Thy rebuke hath broken his heart そしりが彼の心を砕いたので |
Psalms69:20 詩篇 |
30 |
Behold and see if there be any sorrow 尋ねて見よ |
Lamentations1:12 哀歌 |
Scene2:Resurrection |
31 |
He was cut off 彼はいけるものの地から断たれ |
Isaiah53:8 イザヤ書 |
32 |
But thou didst not leave his soul in hell あなたは彼の魂を陰府(よみ)に捨ておかれず |
Psalms16:10 詩篇 |
Scene3:Ascension |
33 |
Lift up your heads, O ye gates 門よ、こうべをあげよ |
Psalms24:7-10 詩篇 |
Scene4:Reception |
34 |
Unto which of the angels いったい、神は御使いたちの |
Hebrews1:5 ヘブライ書 |
35 |
Let all the angels of God worship Him 神の御使いたちはことごとく |
Hebrews1:6 ヘブライ書 |
Scene5:Beginning |
36 |
Thou art gone up on high あなたはとりこを率い |
Psalms68:18 詩篇 |
37 |
The Lord gave the word 主は命令を下される |
Psalms68:11 詩篇 |
38 |
How beautiful are the feet ああ麗しいかな |
Romans10:15 ローマ書 |
39 |
Their sound is gone out その声は全地にひびきわたり |
Romans10:18 ローマ書 |
Scene6:Rejection |
40 |
Why do the nations so furiously rage together なにゆえ、もろもろの国びとは |
Psalms2:1-2 詩篇 |
41 |
Let us break their bonds asunder われらは彼らのかせをこわし |
Psalms2:3 詩篇 |
42 |
He that dwelleth in heaven 天に座する者は笑い |
Psalms2:4 詩篇 |
Scene7:Ultimate Victory |
43 |
Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron おまえは鉄のつえをもって |
Psalms2:9 詩篇 |
44 |
Hallelujah ハレルヤ、全能者にして主なるわれらの神は |
Revelation19:6,11:15,19:16 黙示録 |