Part 1 Prophecy:予言 |
Part 2 Passion:受難 |
Scene 1 | Scene 1 | ||
1 | Overture | 22 | Behold the Lamb |
2 | Comfort ye | 23 | He was despised |
3 | Ev'ry valley | 24 | Surely |
4 | And the glory | 25 | And with his stripes |
Scene 2 | 26 | All we like sheep | |
5 | Thus saith the Lord | 27 | All they that see him |
6 | But who may abide | 28 | He trusted in God |
7 | And he shalll purify | 29 | Thy rebuke |
Scene 3 | 30 | Behold and see | |
8 | Behold, a virgin shall | Scene 2 | |
9 | O thou that tellest | 31 | He was cut off |
10 | For behold, darkness | 32 | But thou didst not leave |
11 | The people that walked in | Scene 3 | |
12 | For unto us | 33 | Lift up your heads |
Scene 4 | Scene 4 | ||
13 | Pifa | 34 | Unto which of the angels |
14 | a) There were shepherds | 35 | Let all the angels |
14 | b) And lo, the angel | Scene 5 | |
15 | And the angel said unto | 36 | Thou art gone up on high |
16 | And suddenly | 37 | The Lord gave the word |
17 | Glory to God | 38 | How beautiful are the feet |
Scene 5 | 39 | Their sound is gone out | |
18 | Rejoice greatly | Scene 6 | |
19 | Then shall the eyes | 40 | Why do the nations |
20 | He shall feed his flock | 41 | Let us break |
21 | His yoke is easy | 42 | He that dwelleth in heaven |
Scene 7 | |||
43 | Thou shalt break them | ||
44 | Hallelujah |
Part 3 Eternal:永遠 |
Scene 1 | |
45 | I know that my Redeemer liveth |
46 | Since by man came death |
Scene 2 | |
47 | Behold, I tell you a mystery |
48 | The trumpet shall sound |
Scene 3 | |
49 | Then shall be brought to pass |
50 | O death, where is thy sting? |
51 | But thanks be to God |
52 | If God be for us |
Scene 4 | |
53 | Worthy is the Lamb |
Amen |
King James 口語訳 |
Source 出典 |
Part 1 |
Scene 1: Isaiah's prophecy of salvation |
1 |
Overture 序曲 |
2 |
Comfort ye my people 慰めよ、わが民を慰めよ |
Isaiah40:1-3 イザヤ書 |
3 |
Ev'ry valley shall be exalted もろもろの谷は高くせられ |
Isaiah40:4 イザヤ書 |
4 |
And the glory of the Lord こうして主の栄光が |
Isaiah40:5 イザヤ書 |
Scene 2: The coming judgment |
5 |
Thus saith the Lord of hosts まことに、万軍の主はこう言われる |
Haggai2:6-7 ハガイ書 Malachi3:1 マラキ書 |
6 |
But who may abide the day of His coming だが、その来る日には、だれが耐え得よう |
Malachi3:2 マラキ書 |
7 |
And he shall purify the sons of Levi 彼はレビの子孫を清め |
Malachi3:3 マラキ書 |
Scene 3: The prophecy of Messiah's birth |
8 |
Behold, a virgin shall conceive 見よ、おとめがみごもって |
Isaiah7:14 イザヤ書 Matthew1:23 マタイ伝 |
9 |
O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion よきおとずれをシオンに伝える者よ |
Isaiah40:9, 60:1 イザヤ書 |
10 |
For behold, darkness shall cover the earth 見よ、暗きは地をおおい |
Isaiah60:2-3 イザヤ書 |
11 |
The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light 暗やみのなかに歩んでいた民は |
Isaiah9:2 イザヤ書 |
12 |
For unto us a child is born ひとりのみどりごがわれわれのために生れた |
Isaiah9:6 イザヤ書 |
Scene 4: The annunciation to the shepherds |
13 |
Pifa 器楽 |
14a |
There were shepherds abiding in the fields 羊飼いたちが夜、野宿しながら |
Luke2:8 ルカ伝 |
14b |
And lo, the angel of the Lord すると見よ、主の御使いがその傍らに立ち |
Luke2:9 ルカ伝 |
15 |
And the angel said unto them 御使は言った |
Luke2:10-11 ルカ伝 |
16 |
And suddenly there was with the angel するとたちまち、おびただしい天の軍勢が現れた |
Luke2:13 ルカ伝 |
17 |
Glory to God in the highest いと高きところでは、神に栄光があるように |
Luke2:14 ルカ伝 |
Scene 5: Messiah's healing and redemption |
18 |
Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion シオンの娘よ、大いに喜べ |
Zechariah9:9-10 ゼカリア書 |
19 |
Then shall the eyes of the blind be opened その時、見えない人の目は開かれ |
Isaiah35:5-6 イザヤ書 |
20 |
He shall feed his flock like a shepherd 主は羊飼いのようにその群れを養い |
Isaiah40:11 イザヤ書 Matthew11:28-29 マタイ伝 |
21 |
His yoke is easy 彼のくびきは負いやすく |
Matthew11:30 マタイ伝 |
Part 2 |
Scene 1: Messiah's Passion |
22 |
Behold the Lamb of God 見よ、世の罪を取り除く神の子羊 |
John1:29 ヨハネ伝 |
23 |
He was despised and rejected of men 彼は侮られて |
Isaiah53:3, 50:6 イザヤ書 |
24 |
Surely he hath borne our griefs and carried our sorrows まことに彼はわれわれの病を負い |
Isaiah53:4-5 イザヤ書 |
25 |
And with his stripes we are healed 彼の打たれた傷によって |
Isaiah53:5 イザヤ書 |
26 |
All we like sheep have gone astray われわれはみな羊のように迷って |
Isaiah53:6 イザヤ書 |
27 |
All they that see him laugh him to scorn すべて彼を見る者は |
Psalms22:7 詩篇 |
28 |
He trusted in God that he would deliver him 彼は主にみをゆだねた |
Psalms22:8 詩篇 |
29 |
Thy rebuke hath broken his heart そしりが彼の心を砕いたので |
Psalms69:20 詩篇 |
30 |
Behold and see if there be any sorrow 尋ねて見よ |
Lamentations1:12 哀歌 |
Scene 2: Messiah's Death and Resurrection |
31 |
He was cut off 彼はいけるものの地から断たれ |
Isaiah53:8 イザヤ書 |
32 |
But thou didst not leave his soul in hell あなたは彼の魂を陰府(よみ)に捨ておかれず |
Psalms16:10 詩篇 |
Scene 3: Messiah's Ascension |
33 |
Lift up your heads, O ye gates 門よ、こうべをあげよ |
Psalms24:7-10 詩篇 |
Scene 4: Messiah's reception in Heaven |
34 |
Unto which of the angels いったい、神は御使いたちの |
Hebrews1:5 ヘブライ書 |
35 |
Let all the angels of God worship Him 神の御使いたちはことごとく |
Hebrews1:6 ヘブライ書 |
Scene 5: The beginnings of Gospel preaching |
36 |
Thou art gone up on high あなたはとりこを率い |
Psalms68:18 詩篇 |
37 |
The Lord gave the word 主は命令を下される |
Psalms68:11 詩篇 |
38 |
How beautiful are the feet ああ麗しいかな |
Romans10:15 ローマ書 |
39 |
Their sound is gone out その声は全地にひびきわたり |
Romans10:18 ローマ書 |
Scene 6: The world's rejection of the Gospel |
40 |
Why do the nations so furiously rage together なにゆえ、もろもろの国びとは |
Psalms2:1-2 詩篇 |
41 |
Let us break their bonds asunder われらは彼らのかせをこわし |
Psalms2:3 詩篇 |
42 |
He that dwelleth in heaven 天に座する者は笑い |
Psalms2:4 詩篇 |
Scene 7: God's ultimate victory |
43 |
Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron おまえは鉄のつえをもって |
Psalms2:9 詩篇 |
44 |
Hallelujah ハレルヤ、全能者にして主なるわれらの神は |
Revelation19:6,11:15, 19:16 黙示録 |
Part 3 |
Scene 1: The promise of eternal life |
45 |
I know that my Redeemer liveth わたしは知る、 わたしをあがなう者は生きておられる |
Job19:25-26 ヨブ記 I.Corinthians15:20 コリント前書 |
46 |
Since by man came death それは、死がひとりの人によってきたのだから |
I.Corinthians15:21-22 コリント前書 |
Scene 2: The Day of Judgment |
47 |
Behold, I tell you a mystery ここで、あなたがたに奥義を告げよう |
I.Corinthians15:51-52 コリント前書 |
48 |
The trumpet shall sound ラッパが響いて |
I.Corinthians15:52-54 コリント前書 |
Scene 3: The final conquest of sin |
49 |
Then shall be brought to pass そのとき、聖書に書いてある言葉が成就する |
I.Corinthians15:54 コリント前書 |
50 |
O death, where is thy sting? 死よ、お前の勝利は、どこにあるのか |
I.Corinthians15:55-56 コリント前書 |
51 |
But thanks be to God しかし感謝すべきことには、神は |
I.Corinthians15:57 コリント前書 |
52 |
If God be for us, who can be against us? もし、神がわたしたちの味方であるなら |
Romans8:31,33-34 ローマ書 |
Scene 4: The acclamation of the Messiah |
53 |
Worthy is the Lamb ほふられた小羊こそは |
Revelation5:12-13 黙示録 |
Amen アーメン |
Revelation5:14 N黙示録 |